About us

Infozone Sports Club

We at Infozone believe in the team! We believe that we together creates strengths and forces that an individual cannot cope with. We also believe that employees, customers, partners, friends and co-workers are better off with physical activity and good health. Overall, we create heroes!

With this as background, we started our own Sports Club in the fall of 2017. The club has the purpose of promoting and supporting activities that lead to prosperity, good health and happiness. These activities do not necessarily have to be covered by the SPORT category. The club is for Infozone employees and their families. To Infozone’s customers, partners and industry colleagues. Everyone who has a connection to Infozone is welcome as members.

As a member of the club you will be invited to all events, competitions and trainings organized by Infozone Sport Club. You get offers from the club and our partners.

Some of the activities planned for the coming year are: